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Pottery Classes

We are currently searching for a hand building instructor.
We don't have a date for the wheel throwing classes yet.
If you are interested in teaching, please contact us.

Mid-City Artisans offers hand building pottery classes.

Hand Building Pottery! This two session course teaches the basics of hand building by creating items of your choice. The following week, after it is fired in a kiln, learn glazing techniques on your works. Come pick it up the following week after being fired again. All materials supplied.

Wheel Throwing Pottery! This class is on hold until we secure the required equipment. This two session one on one course teaches the basics of wheel throwing pottery by creating items of your choice. The following week, after it is fired in a kiln, learn glazing techniques on your works. Come pick it up the following week after being fired again. Supply fee extra.

Check back often for newly scheduled pottery classes. Or call us to schedule a private hand building class for an memorable time with your friends or family.  

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.
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